Dream Diary -The Quest for Lucidity

The site was a collection of random thoughts and stuff, but now there will be a theam to all of this. All the content found will have been a figment of my dreams, enjoy.

Location: Crawley, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Snickers Pie from the BBC site - Food for thought

Wow! a pie made of skickers bars. When i heard about this i had to check it out, because I love snickers bars.

This recipe was on the BBC web site but was promptly removed after recieveing complaints from the public. Each searving is said to contain over 1,000 callories. This sounds like a major heart attack pudding! Even though the page was removed, the recipe was still in googles cached results.

I would like to hear peoples thoughts on this pudding being removed from the BBC site. (Although im not condoning people to eat junk food) But i would like to know how the snickers pie tastes, is it worth the potentual heart attack.

1 packet puff pastry
140g/5oz mascarpone
110g/4oz soft cheese
50g/2oz caster sugar
3 eggs
5 Snickers bars, chopped roughly


1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400/Gas 6.
2. Roll pastry to 3-4mm thick and use to line a 20cm/8in fluted tart tin.
3. Beat the mascarpone, soft cheese and sugar together in a large bowl, until smooth.
4. Beat in eggs, one at a time.
5. Add the Snickers bars and fold in.
6. Pour into a lined tart tin, and spread to the edges.
7. Place in the oven for 10 minutes, then lower to 180C/350/Gas 4 for a further 25 minutes until golden and set. Allow to cool before serving.

Compliments of Antony Worrall Thompson cooked on Saturday Kitchen


Blogger Paste said...

I have to say that it sounds absolutely revolting. AWT did say that it was designed as a kids party food and thus meant to be eaten only once a year!

3:47 pm  
Blogger Chevez said...

I checked the BBC site last week and they have put the recipe back on. They mentioned that it caused a cit for a media stir. I think they should put on what ever recipe they want as long as it comes with some nutritional information and maybe a warning. But to deny the public Snicker Pie is lunacy!

8:21 pm  

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