Dream Diary -The Quest for Lucidity

The site was a collection of random thoughts and stuff, but now there will be a theam to all of this. All the content found will have been a figment of my dreams, enjoy.

Location: Crawley, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Thursday, March 23, 2006

When Will I Get My Powerball Gyroscope?

The other day a mate brought his powerball into work for us all to try. Its an ingenious contraption that once you have a go you will want to won one too. The full name is "Dynaflex Powerball Gyroscope" its basically a gyroscope inside of a ball. You hold it with your hands and rotate your wrist, like your stiring with a wooden spoon. The gyroscope mechanism works against your wrist action, and gives your whole arm a total workout. Believe me after a few minutes your arm is aching. They even have a guiness world record which is 16218 revs per minute. This can be found on the official powerball site

I think this is a cool gadget that once you have a go you will want to buy one, of even get it as a gift if its someones birthday soon. They cost between £15 - £25 depending on which type you buy. The picture shows the original powerball pro, this is because it has a counter. But other models are the neon powerball, and the techno powerball. If you buy them tell me what you think.


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