Dream Diary -The Quest for Lucidity

The site was a collection of random thoughts and stuff, but now there will be a theam to all of this. All the content found will have been a figment of my dreams, enjoy.

Location: Crawley, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Swimming Tigers

This is bit of a short recollection of a dream I had last night. The setting is in a bungalow located in Australia or Africa. You could see nothing but flat land all around. A fence around the perimeter kept all wild beasts out of the house.

My dad was fixing the fence because some tigers had broken through recently, not that the tigers where dangerous, but just to keep them out. As he was nailing the fence water came out of the ground and started to rise. I don't know where the water came from, it was not raining nor were there any clouds.

We all went inside the house to look outside. No sand bags where needed to keep the water out, the inside of the house just didn't get wet. Soon the water was deep enough to swim in. You could see the tigers paddling around and some where clinging to bits of wood.

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